Kaiya Nagano

The Demon from Doma


A quiet Hyur midlander who dons a magitek visor and has a strange affinity for lemons.A woman with a troubled mind and a dark past now lives her life to the best she can, though there are some who would try to drag her back into that darkness and return the woman to her former self.


Kaiya Nagano is a Hyur Samurai in her late 20's who has a strange taste for lemons and can commonly be seen eating whole lemons. She originally came from Doma where she learned the way of the Samurai as a young child. Kaiya is extremely reserved, rarely ever seen smiling and always speaks in a rather formal tone. She also tends to stare at people a lot which has occasionally caused some minor altercations.Being part of a very traditional Samurai family, Kaiya learned how to wield a blade at a very young age and by the time she reached 16 Kaiya was already a full blown Samurai. Of course, this meant little to the Imperial occupiers other than potential recruits and one of these Kaiya indeed was.There was no need to conscript the young Samurai for she volunteered for the Legion as soon as she turned 16, wanting to serve those who she believed were her real masters. Her service took Kaiya all over the world, from the deserts of Gyr Abania to the icy north of Garlemald and managed to achieve the coveted rank of Centurion, one of the youngest in the Legion she served in which, by the time that she left the Legion, was the VIIth.Kaiya was a brutal officer, nicknamed the 'Demon' by those she came to face in the provinces of the Garlean Empire. She was known for her ruthless attitude and the zero-tolerance policy she had for both those resisting Garlean rule and those who failed to carry out her orders.Her service to Garlemald came to a swift end at the Battle of Carteneau, in which she was present and was left to die following Dalamud's fall. Everyone she knew in the Legion was killed, her own body was barely functioning and now Kaiya found herself in a foreign and hostile land, forever scarred by her experience there.Since that day, Kaiya has been living as an adventurer, though mostly going for leves with the Free Company she is part of with her lone adventurer days being long over.


Private Employment - Whilst she typically does not do it anymore, Kaiya is still available to be employed in a fashion, she is a Samurai first and foremost.Services - Kaiya maintains her sword on her own, however she can occasionally require some other services, such as armour repairs and purchases.Previous Meetings - If you would like our characters to have already known each other, whether it is a fellow Garlean or someone that lived under Garlean oppression who hates her guts, Kaiya has been around the world and is bound to run into those she has already met before.The Wayhouse - Kaiya lives and works at a Free Company called Venture Pending located in the Lavender Beds and can commonly be found in the area, usually tending to her lemon trees.